Tuesday, July 29, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 8:01 PM.
Today was english error analysis and i dont think i fare w flying colours and i didnt do that badly, let just say its average.paper 2 pulled me down by a grade ayeeee! Oh wellll and we've a handwriting class aft damn lameeee i know but yah mr ong is very particular abt my handwriting so i guess its big time that i should change.
k my current L1R5 is like 29 i thinkkkkk which is super horrible terrible and i think i've like 4 B4's or smth and guess what thats like my best grade f T3 -.- aiyah its ok i'm trying my best currently and i shall not mourn over T3 as there are still Prelims & O's t come.NIGHT FOCUS! really must focusfocusfocus, jiayou! :D
Saturday, July 26, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 12:08 PM.

I'm supposed t go lib t study w graceL but seems tht no matter what time she sleeps she just cant wake up so yah as usual our lib trip aint successful.& i think i'm crazy, i woke up like at 7am this morning and sinyee v.blur.she thought eugene's bday party is tday HAHA!
oh welll i'm feeling very random so i've been using comp frm 7am gg ard blogshops & reading xiaxue/dawnyang's blog in details haha.& i look thru those photos in my phone and tadang i still love my bangles & notebook Lol.I can't express how much i love diva accessories and surprise popular do sell prettayee notebooks, hee.
I promised myself t start homework at 11am but still i'm here procrastinating.argh ok, note to self: last warning, 1pm!!
Friday, July 25, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 5:56 PM.
Its finally FRIIIIIDAY yay! :D
schl's racial harmony tday, travel & food fair but no more free food(thanks mr kamal).oh welll its been a long week and time flies when we're doing maths.& i shall go f night focus next wk cos it wld means extra allowance haha.
& i think its either the firewall of my comp is too strong or is friendster abit haywire that i cant return ttmns.arghhh damn it, nvrm.i shall just let it rot and die thn, tsk.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 8:29 PM.
There's a lot of homework or rather there's a plan t follow for mathsssss every week.this is bad, boo! I doubt i can stick t the plan closely tho cos its a heavy workload f me oh wellll.& AMaths are damn horrible, i suck mansxz.paper1&2 adds up to 33r1r3 /100 congrats!
& my mood was dampened upon the calling of my name by mr ong, ): He's gnna see me & some 5 other ppl nxt tues aft th error analysis f english due t narrative i think.i mean yah my english not veryvery good that kind but also not very laoya what just tht i'm communicating in singlish most of th time LOL! ayeeee, time t learn some chimalogy english and widen my vocab.
ah crap shit, so many things t do, so little time.k till then, off to do my maths I HEART MATHS! Y
Saturday, July 19, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 3:52 PM.
ayeee, been blogshopping online from morning till now & idk whether to join another F21 spree or not since it'll be closing tmr, teeeeees! but i still wnna get my crumpler cos i cant stand another carrying my NUM(personal reasons) tsk tsk tsk.aiyah this is irritating k NEHMIND.i shall continue t blogshop.
Friday, July 18, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 3:07 PM.
k i'm back home super early tday yet everybody seems t hav smth on aft schl, ): Oh wellllll, AMaths & EMaths paper one are back and i did ok but not what i expected for E but rather terribly(as expected) for A, argh idk whether t cry or should i laugh cos its only th T3.
sometimes or rather at most times i'd say, it appeared that we're closefriends but it only seems t occur t me that this is only true when we're in class but we aint outside class.yr handphones/friendster/blog everywhere, all i see is x photos.it has never been us, this is more than disappointing.Its the kind of saddness that words cant express, idk luhhhh its like obvious that you treat them btr than us in case you have yet t realise.aye, sparetyre? I feel like complaining but nobody t complain to, aiyah whatever.
I SHALL WORK HARD & START STUDYING NEXT WEEK!! But first i'd have t clear my messy messy room & pack all my files and decide what topics i should memorise f history and ss.aiyooooooo!
Getting whiter and whiter fairer & fairer but i wnna get tan cos being tan makes you look skinner and less pale cos tan is a healthy color hee.and mum actually encourage me t go suntanning alone and let me tell you, if i'd be crazy if i go alone.so....idk, wierd?
Its a few more months.I should work hard cos SA & on the other hand, i'm not gnna spell it out here but my horoscope says i should learn t be independent
Wednesday, July 16, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 12:44 PM.
I was blogshopping ytd and dang i found this.i think its veryveryvery pretty but it came frm a malaysian bs and its sold out anw, boo! ): if anybody happen to see this and have it, preaseeee tell me TYVM :D

k there's no schl today & i've been using th comp frm morning till now cos i'm not in the mood t study biooooooo.yknow, the "study also fail, don't study still fail, then why kill brain cells go study" mood is just implanted in my mind.oh wellll, & i had a haircut which doesnt rlly makes a diff hmm.well and smth random, somehow i FEEL like setting up a bs f awhile t sell some stuffs that i no longer want which might appeal t others t earn get some monehhh but O's O's O's, humph.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 2:51 PM.
NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP, :D This is cool okay & I'll make sure that i work doubly hard aft T3 exams.I am home early and i dont feel like studying bio cos i've th whole of tmr to do so yay! :D Oh welllll, & i hope my F21 dress will come soooooon.aye & i'm wondering whether t go JC or poly now, i think i'm crazy haha.Note to self: Please buy a new bag for school soon(due to personal reasons)
Monday, July 14, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 5:56 PM.
ARGH 4more minutes to my da chang jin.i'm uper slack to the major core these days & yes obviously AMaths & history today are rather screwed esp AMaths preaseeeee.Paper 1 is shit so is paper 2 and i'm always getting stuck at the very first question, boo! ):
history, dang i dont even feel like mentioning but thank god smth i read/study/memorise came out haha.& i think hist students are very cool cos we kill lotsa brain cells just t memorise that one pathethic theme and we love t take risks and ask f clues.LOL!
tmr's higher chineseeeeeeee, wo xi huan jiang hua wen ying wei hua wen cool! :D
A few more days t go and yay I AM FREE(for the moment tho)
Saturday, July 12, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 3:32 PM.
A true friend is one that overlooks your failures, tolerates your success and be there no matter what. Guzheng gathering was okay, food food food! :D which in turn means fat fat fat boo ): & we were random talking rgrding th 2012 doom day, to think we'll die at such a young age of 20 :S argh this is bad and youtube have lots of video on this and its very very saddening, argh oh welllll.
k shall go study history mansxz! There's like damn lot to study but i think i'm only gnna memorise 2.1, plus AMaths2 on monday as well crapppppp!
Friday, July 11, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 10:45 PM.
I think i need a new town, to leave this all behind, where no one knows my name.
Somehow, i dont feel like going t prom anymore.its not bcos of money matters 'cause my parents are nice enough t sponsor me half of the hotel fees & i think marriot is a relatively nice hotel.I cant express my thoughts in words but i srsly just dont feel like going but if i were t tell that t MTWY, she'll bound t come after me :S oh wellllll.
Most times life doesnt feel right, i want to faster finish OLevels & go to JC/Poly which i have yet to decide till now.ayeeeee, i am very very extremely srsly troubled.sometimes i think about this and about that and about everything in life.Friends, people in school, exams blabla.I just dknow how t express them in words and stuffs, k maybe the first sentence do.urgh NEH-MIND.fullstop.
T3 so far was screwed t the major core.AMaths was super horrible pleaseeee, i cant like even prove the very first identity question.doubt paper2 will be easy man & i'm just gnna fail my way thru great! & till now i'm still pondering over chem 'cause i didnt touch qn3 at all not bcos i've got no time but idk what've gotten into my brain tsk.I've just throw 10marks into the sea, period. Note to self: please do not bother about how others look at you and stop thinking so much.this is driving me crazy! D: