Tuesday, September 30, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 5:51 PM.
Sigh my passport has expired ):
Idk if i really want to go or not(k sounds so singlish but nvrm).
k lets see, let me list down all my troubles:
1. Must go renew/make new passport(troublesome)
2. My dad has some phobia of driving cars and my mum couldn't get a license despite 209472874 tries Lol.so moral of story is no car not convenient super mafan either cab or mrt boo!
3. Must start saving money cos needa buy winter wear and miscellaneous.Plus please don't forget abt prom & graduation ayeee.
4. Gnna find a job soon but need to take leave for a week aft starting work for a few days/week? Sounds ridiculuous.
5. Idk whats the fear inside me.Maybe i'm afraid that my friends will abandon me or sth.Gj and PeiLing are bunking in a room sigh which means i've to share w someone else.I hope its glenice, or maybe four of us can share a room or sth.AIYAH IDK LASXZSXZ.
See so many many many troubles.plus i srsly don't wnna go prom cos first nobody to buy prom dress w me bcos my friends are buying w their parents/mum.& whats more, i've got to pay for my own prom dress.& retarded to go shopping f prom dress alone right? k see first, i might pon and waste that $85.
On a different tone, i need to buck up cos yingting asked this qn tday: "So how prepared are y'all for O's? How many %?" I was thinking that i'm not even prepared, 0% ): There's like so many things that i'm still unsure of plus everybody has done stacks and stacks of worksheets/exam papers.Sigh.
Zzz.I'm always full of complains.I think i'm a pain in th neck man! ... & Sometimes I srsly envied other people's friendship? Its surprising that they spend almost all their available time w each other but for me it doesn't really occur this way.It seemed that i no longer plays a part in their life.Idk.My friends are smart and pretty and skinny but i'm not.See th bigbig difference btwn us, sigh.k whatever.
Monday, September 29, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 5:09 PM.
Gosh i'm like ultra slack here sigh.gotten back report book and kinda demoralise but serve me right for not putting my heart and soul into my studies.poeple are total muggers.Aye i just wished i'm having my EOY instead of O's :S
Okay so i changed my mind and decided to go NP instead of SA.Yours truly is currently CMI ): k but on th optimistic side, i can hav a work-study life, lesser stress, wider group of friends, focus only on financial&banking oh yah not forgetting getting my own personal lappy plus excuses to buy more clothes so why not Lol.On th contrary, JC gives me higher chances of entering local uni & more "face".I've got no idea why some of my relatives looked down on poly students but aiya its their old-fashion mindset.
& i'm srsly dead happy that wed is a holiday cos it meant no double POA and an extra day to rest.It'll be town or vivo.But no worries cos i'll make up for it(by hook or by crook)
k tmr will be the official 20 more days to O's, yes congrats bye!
Saturday, September 27, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 9:24 PM.
Sigh ytd & tday ain't a fruitful day for me.I said i was gnna start homework aft lunch ytd but i didn't.Instead i sat down and watch teevee slack and use comp again.Today i was out practically the whole day :S
So tday's itinerary was lavender tampines and vivo.F21 was like major updated or rather i'm outdated, been freaking long(ok mayb not that long) since i stepped into there.tried on a few pieces of clothes and the denim shorts i ordered online.dammit, i ordered size29 so i went to try and dang it was very very very very loose -.- so i was pondering if i shld buy the correct size and sell th one thats arriving.but decided against it cos i think i shld wait till th item arrive and thn cfm if there's buyer first.
Sigh and i'm always succumbing to Diva's accessories.'Cause they got this whole new section of rainbow/peace collection when they alr hav th rainbow collection.So the sales manager was like telling me that it suits my style cos i'm wearing all th diva accessories and rainbow color stuffs.so yeah i spend another bomb on accessories again(w/o fail) ayeeee.I was thinking of purchasing th 'bestfriends' necklace for peiling for graduation but kinda early right?
Okay now i shall save the best for the last.In my whole entire life, i've spend $89 on a RiverIsland top.okay lah if you're freaking rich and think aiya 89bucks is nth, whats th big deal thn don't care abt me.I'm not THAT rich lah, average average not poor not rich.So yes, RiverIsland have some 1/2 price sales but i didn't buy smth from th corner which is rather sad.Oh well, th salesgirl/cashier/manager was kinda nice.
She was like, "Do you want a big plastic bag or small one?" I was thinking very hard when she said, "I think small one will be better cause can fit into your bag" *smiles* So thoughtful rightttt? I think she knows i kept whatever i bought in my bag cos my bag looks very puffy.Lol.
So moral of story, stay at home and mug don't go out.Spend like uh $150 plus plus tday when i was thinking of depositing th money into my bank a/c since i've been making lots of bank transfer to others.Why oh why.So when i left like $20 in my purse that i realised i've actually spend so much.& i was still thinking of paying via posb card to buy my other wants.BUT thank god i didn't yay! :D
& i'm very proud w myself cos i shop alone tday after meeting sellers.I'm independent okay.I didn't listen to my ipod when shopping and i don't feel shy or anything, see i'm a cool alex.After experiencing so much, i've finally grown more independent so its a good sign.maybe i shall go swimming/suntanning alone one day.Lol.
Gosh i didn't realised i've crap this much alr.so yeap, tmr is a no computer day for me.must finish all maths, thats gnna be a tough job.& note to self: no more procastinating, do homework study hard ah!!
Friday, September 26, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 11:37 AM.
Yes i didn't go to schl tday and i enjoy sleeping till late morning cos th weather is very cold ha.& My parents kinda encourage me not to go to schl haha, they were like, "If there's no impt periods or you think there isn't a need for you to go schl that day thn let me know." :D
k i'm gnna start on my revision aft lunch, gnna work doubly hard tday and on sun cos i'm heading out tmr by myself sighhhh.fyi, i'm not going out to shop.F21 tees & shorts gnna arrive nxt wk yayeee.Wetseal tee ordered under yl's name 019482748years ago hav yet to arrive, damn retarded.Online shopping is addictive but thank god i've got self-discipline Lol (:
Things to do for Maths before doomsday! ):
Sorry i was very bored and don't feel like doing homework.
F1 is cooooolllll to the max. :}
Note to self: cut down on comp, max1hr/day.STUDY STUDY STUDY!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 8:51 PM.
Monday, September 22, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 7:17 PM.
Argh i've been trying to type out my Prelims narrative but to no avail, :S yknow i can nvr have th self-discipline to concentrate on what i want to do whenever i'm using th comp.sighhhh.I don't think my narrative is good enough to score a 22marks but gracelim said its very good.Srsly my narrative is kinda descriptive only but i swear you would know th meanings of all the words in my narrative.Surprisingly, my voacb is at th 22 range which is kinda :O for me.
On a lighter note, i've ordered wetseal tees jst IN TIME, so the girl was gnna close th spree tonight and i managed to send in my order in time, ahh just nice.i'm a happy duck currently haha.
Oh welllll, i think doing homework makes me happy and diverts my attention from other things.BUT i'm gnna have to finish typing my stupid narrative and send to Mr.Ong first thn complete NorthVista EMaths Paper2 and EngTYS 2006 and Poa w/s and HistSBQ usefulness and Set5 and chem structured Set1.sigh thats alot to do but i suppose i can cancel out chem structured Set1 cos its damn retarded, hate chem like dknow what shit.At least POA w/s can continue tmr and Set5 can start tmr.gosh idk what time i'm gnna hav to sleep tday, :S :(
& Mr.Ong is very nice to bake cakes for us over th weekend.
(Random Pictures)
(Hello grace, Peek-a-boo)
(See, this is what we've done in bio class.Our wonderful mitosis and meiosis lesson hav become manicure lessons Lol.)
(Super unglam)
Saturday, September 20, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 9:55 PM.
I'm suppose to be typing my english narrative but i'm distracted again.sigh, ):
Life is screwed and so am i.Sometimes i really wonder why some people are able to get better treatment/attention from others, maybe they're pretty or smart or cute or out-going or .. idk(i'm not trying to mean anything).Kinda curious all of a sudden cos i read smth from somewhere and i think it kinda sets me off thinking.
k nvrm.& the weather is very warm, i kept sweating like some fat pig gahgahgah.
Friday, September 19, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 6:51 PM.
Gotten back hist and i was so traumatise that i've actually gotten a distinction, damn shocking.but yeah i'm gnna work on my SBQ cos it sucks like shit tho i'm a hist student sigh.so yes, i'm gnna work hard this weekend(i hope) cos after seeing people ard me improving and getting good grades, it made me feel so inferior and small ):
See, YiLin & GJ have always gotten good grades.PeiLing is improving damn fast, T.HuiLing, Annabel, Shinfen, CheongKhi, Wendy are always very hardworking and their grades are wow-wow-wow! Sighhhh, why everybody so smart and i'm not.
Ayeeee.& chem focus is killing my brain cells, i know th concept but idk how apply damn retarded.I very don't like chem, very don't like D:
Wetseal have updated w pretty pretty tees, the HelloKitty wan is damn freaking cute preaseee Lol.& F21 got new dress alr too! yay, but enough blogshopping man.
k till then.class photos are damn funny.
Thursday, September 18, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 7:27 PM.
Sigh results are totally shit, am in for AMaths & Chem focus again just like in T3 -.- Ayeeee.Oh well i'm gnna study hard from this weekend onwards to achieve btr grades!!
Still kinda addicted to my sis's online game & of course blogshopping.Damn it, my colorblock dress that i bought for $104292757385 was on sale on th F21 web for so longgggg, unfair! Lucky it was taken down alr humph.
I love waffle hotdog, chocolate waffle, sausage & many many many moreeee.i love to eat & complain ALOT.sigh nvrm.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 8:17 PM.
Prelim results really sucks like shit.Besides Bio essay which i got full marks for the last qn, ms seah asked if i studied.Lied thru my teeth, if not i'd hav got a lashing from her.English narrative was well-done for me, i managed to get a 22marks which is kinda rare f me, the last time i got htis was a few months ago thing Lol.& i saw people from other classes getting 2/30 f narrative!! Oh welll, compre was very badly done single digit.idk if i should cry or laugh and i spelt "separated" wrongly, like wth and there goes my one mark.k whatever.Poa sigh don't rlly wnna talk abt it.
Sigh most time i wonder why people were treated differently tho they so-called have the same status as you claimed but its obvious that you're just contradicting.Its just obvious.Idk how to pen it down in words but its just th kind of feeling yknow.ayeeee, nvrm nvrm.must focus on O's okay(I hope i can tho, i'm forever procrastinating) -.-
Life sucks, i've got lots of things in mind but i think its best to keep it to myself if not ... aye nvrm.bye.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 6:09 PM.
Okay to begin with the story i had tday, it was stomachache aft breakfast idk why.i don't want to shit, i do not have menstrual cramp cos i never had(except f one pathetic time i think).Its just pain not acute ones tho, it last for like idk how many hours but it subside aft PE which is a good sign right?
So i was kinda happy and relax but dang, SS/Hist lesson=get back Prelim results.However, yehiddah said that she cant give th papers back to us yet so she just told us our grades.
Yehiddah(very solemn): Ruby you're improving
Me: Oh okay(I was thinking of a B4 or sth better)
Yehiddah: C5(gives smile)
I was very dejected throughout SS/Hist lesson sigh.Idk why i started doing very badly for ss&hist since S3, i was th A1/2/B3 kind in lower sec thn dang when it comes to upper sec it became C6(all th time).I should have took geo or rather i'm suppose to take geo, aye sigh shakes head.
Then went to bio class feeling alr very demoralised when i'm hit with even greater setbacks.I thought i could do relatively well for bio but turns out otherwise.With all th showing off in class, i very much wanted to cry but i manage to save them till recess.Damn retarded, this is stupid i know.
k and guess what, aft eating during recess, th pain came back -.- At first, i thought it was gastric but srsly it can't be la cos i eat more than 3meals per day (yes i know i'm fat and shouldn't be eating that much but aiya s'pore got slimming centres rightsczx?) sigh.anw thank god there's nth much f english tday but its gnna be hell tmr :S
So it was maths(w/o MJT) and EMaths paper 1 were given back.and i THOUGHT(agn) that i could do well for my EMaths cos my EMaths is my strongest sub(suppose to be).Huge disppointment mansxzsxz, 11 marks gone=A1 gone=drop 3 grades.Part of it is due to the no pencilcase.no protractor question and the others are careless mistakes, i am damn stupid i tell you.
Lucky higher chinese is not as screwed as th others, B4.Sigh tday is a really unlucky/lousy/sad day, but prata aft schl w grace kinda lift my spirit up a little.Life sucks, i wnna cut myself and bled to death(k i won't cos i'm afraid of pain, i'd rather jump off th building LOL).
Some people just love to contradict themselves and they often speak in contrary to what they themselves said or to what others said.Finding excuses for themselves is just a brainless way to cover their lies.Sucha joke, junveile matters.
All i hope for is a better tomorrow & for O's: not to repeat those stupid mistakes made.
34 days, 5 weeks(barely 4days to revise each subject.eerie!)
Sunday, September 14, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 5:14 PM.
Our signature pose, d-o-u!
Its kinda wierd that our initial definition of D.O.U became misunderstood by tchers.Its suppose to mean "fall" as one instead of "fight" as one a/c to our class guys since 14723874294 years ago but now it became the fighting spirit of our class.
k the above was kinda random but i only manage to kop that photo.its 1 more month, 5 more weeks whichever you think is the most comfortable w you.However, I kinda anticipate the arrival of year end cos you get to finish O's and experience earning your own pocket money(& some people will stop giving big lectures when they themselves are yknow..).
so yes i'm dead serious in getting a job, i wnna buy a cam f myself desperately.& i'm gnna get my parents smth that i wanted to get for them since xxx years ago.Oh and to get my old ipod fixed so that daddy/mummy/sis can use it since i got new one hahaha.Oh and not to forget, put some in th bank to grow interest and some on shopping spree hee.
Oh yes, not to forget since I'll be working i'll get to make new friends and JC/poly next yr would meant new lease of life and more friends.Sigh i hope this one month plus would be a fast one.oh wellll and i just rmb tmr's bio paper1.have yet t study gosh and its freaking gnna be 6pm soon.& i'm still addicted to my sister's online game when i'm suppose to hate gaming cos i'm wlos(if you don't get this then you're even slower than i am).
Sigh sigh sigh.
Saturday, September 13, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 3:13 PM.
Photos taken with my phone is here, whoever pass by and wnna kop go ahead.Rest of th Mid-autumn fastival photos w class gnna wait.
Anna and i have fat chubby cheeks, Lol.
Looks damn retarded but i can't seem to take photos w my left hand.
Taking photos from beneath will make your face look very F.A.T ):
Grace's face was cut off thanks to my lousy photo-taking skills ):
Gosh, grace that was so unglam HAHA!

Mid-autumn ytd was nth much, 4D1 is bonded and high as usual.Town w grace, lucky we didnt go vivo as i heard that many of our schl people were there.Almost bought THAT F21 clutch, i was that close but i couldn't bear to part w my $50note(kinda dumb) but i still manage to bought mango stuff.Oh yah Hula&co have this very pretty top which i eyed on since 139829573 years ago sigh.Wanted to buy shoes intitally but since gnna go back schl so i give that a pass ayeeee.I swear i'm gnna buy it th next time i go there, hopefully not oos then.
Anyway, on a different tone, our results were shit please.most prolly gnna get back our results on tues so please prepare some pills f calming purposes and tissue.Sigh.but i think i shouldn't let this affect me too much as its still th O's that counts ain't it?
Oh wellll, k bye gnna go pack room.
Thursday, September 11, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 3:33 PM.
Kinda lazy to update.Put it simply, screwed everything tday which ain't a good sign please.aye but now at least i can enjoy a few days of peace before th exam papers are given back cos i heard it was done very badly, even more horribly than T3 ):
& kinda b.r.o.k.e now sigh.I just send in my orders like nobody business and now its payment time greattttt! & thats excluding shipping fee, thanks man.which means i'm gnna hav t dig out more money when th items arrive aye aye aye.
k bye.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 3:12 PM.
I.AM.SAD & Guestbook resumed.
I just receive some kinda news and i think its damn freaking brainless f th person t suggest this.B-C is not encouraged preaseee, helllloooo i do not want t get scoldings from unknown people.imagine th whole hella noise we would make, gosh! k i think i shouldn't comment/criticize anymore cos i doubt i can suggest something btr but ... aye nvrm.
Sometimes i really detest -.
Its like we're no sparetype fyi, we're not transparent like yoohoo, *waves hands frantically*.& sometimes, everything just seems so fake ... Idk.Seemed like the person i knew is no longer there anymore.
Aye, i am feeling kinda sore right now.Idk where to start but sometimes i really prefer talking to or meeting strangers or maybe people i dont really know.Ha, i'm a loner i like to be alone i've got no friends fullstop.I'm not asking much, but everybody else have their own friends that they wnna hang out with, i feel so so small insignificant and inferior.I just hope that i've friends who can be there for me 24/7, be true and everything.guess thats too much too ask for huh.Srsly I need a new lease of life, desperately.
Life sucks, or rather mine ain't going very smoothly.I feel like crying now, idk why.Its not 'bout th stress f studies.I'm just very despondent and helpless.To put it simply, sad.Moreover, I'm not really afraid of O's YET, i've no idea why.Its just having th mindset that "oh yes, must study hard and get into AC/SA.don't slack anymore its not gnna do you good.Rmb yr A1 A1 A1!" but procrastination.
Okay on a different tone, I was traumatised by th amt of fats and oil KFC's chicken have.I think if i were to consume th fats, my arteries are gnna clog and i'm gnna get arteriosclerosis(yes i am using a bio term cos tmr's bio paper).I am disgusted, somebody shld go tell KFC to choose less fatty chickens.& i love hotcakes but i dislike honey.mind you, diabetes!
& Emaths paper 2 ytd was easy but i can't believe i could not do the qn on the price of the oil.I tried like how many million times and yah when seeyuan told me th expression f B i was like oh.gosh.i.am.damn.stupid, argh.POA paper 2 was suppose t be easy but i kinda screw up TPL & Appropriation.BUT total confidence for depreciation.*slight grin* & Chem paper 1 tday was again suppose t be easy but i didn't study till this morning when i read thru that lil bit, so yah i doubt i can even pass.aye, blame no one but myself.
I shall stay at home, be a nerd be a loner cos nobody wants to go out with me.I shall sell away all my clothes since i don't get a chance to wear them.whats th point of having nice nice expensive clothes when nobody appreciates it.I shall sell away my shoes too, and my bags and my accessories.& then i'll have a lot of money and i'll bring them along with me when i die or donate all to charity.Oh no no no, i shall give it to my parents, see how filial i am.yknow there's only one thing in the world that remains unchange, that is kinship.
Aye and i'm very depressed over the fact that i'm getting more rotoud each day.when my flat tummy become one big tyre and when my alr fat thighs become fatter and less muscular and when my arms become too big and flabby to write and my alr very fat face become out of shape.It'll be doomsday mansxzsxs! But i'm not doing anything 'bout it, just continue feasting.great job right?
k goodbye, tmr's bio2 & poa1.I've 0% confidence for bio tho its suppose to be my btr science and poa, aye i think wang's gnna scream at me.I'll study ltr, i will i must i am.
& Some really random and old photos,

Monday, September 8, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 4:05 PM.
k so tday's paper was rather do-able.AMaths was eh easier than T3 & paper1? I manage t do most questions but some are wrong alr(aft checking ans w th smart ppl in class) aye.I shouldn't hav spend all my time on hist, i barely read thru AMaths for like 10minutes ytd, gagaga.i could have do much much better if i practice.oh wellll, i shall make it a point t practice f AMaths & Chem everyday aft prelims(will try).
History was kinda lucky.We're always risking by studying only parts of th chapt and dang it came out HAHA, and nah nope i'm not gnna take that kind of stupid risk f O's.I hope i'll pass is all i can say cos my humans sucks ):
ytd was daddy's bday & i've yet t give him a present, will get it tmr.so we went out f dinner, so food yes.nothing much, life's th usual.somehow there's a lot bottling up inside me but i'll just keep it inside, its no point blabbling it out here cos i rather go talk t my teddy Lol.k till then bye.
Friday, September 5, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 7:18 PM.
So it was jurong library w gracey wacey just now and guess what we saw several people from our schl, all saturated at one corner haha.& there's lotsa poor kids attending some chinese camp in th library ayeee i pity them Lol.oh wellll.& bought another ipod instead of repairing my old one cos repairing th old one would cos a bomb too tsk.
EAT EAT EAT in th library which means fat fat fat and money gone gone gone ): aye but i hope 2.4km can shake of those calories i ate tday.its been freaking long since i last jog so tday 2.4km was yeah alright f me, kinda lazy.i still preferred swimming to jogging.aye to think that i used to be in the track&field's team, netball team & badminton team LOL!
argh what th shitsxzzzsxz, i lost my zara tee at home.sounds so unbelievable right but yeah its true.its suppose to be hanging inside my wardrobe but but but just when i'm thinking of wearing it tday, its goneeeeee! & hellooo, i ransack th whole house but nah just cannot find.aye i've like not even wear th tee before and its lost.sounds stupid, k whatever.hopefully it'll just reappear tmr.Lol.
tmr's T.HuiLing bday and sun is daddy b'day.i've yet t get daddy a present and i'm feeling very guility abt it.SOOOO i decided to head out shopping tmr f daddy's present and yeah own shopping purposes Lol.abit i havent even finish studying history & AMaths, kinda officially start studying tday.
gahgahgah, please i hate dislike history, i'm suppose t be in geo but thanks to _ that i ended up taking history and now i've to go thru all this torture of taking risks and memorising.okay shall go bath now since i stink pretty much due to all th jogging haha.k bye.
PS: ridiculous joke.gosh!
Thursday, September 4, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 10:58 AM.
ARGHHHHHH, its raining cats&dogs(so primary schl HAHA!)
k so yah its raining so freaking heavily that i think it'll prolly last 2days(hopefully it doesn't), aye there goes my trip boo! ):
On the contrary, i managed to finish english TYS ytd which is consider an achievement cos i kept using th comp and yknow teevee alot..aye let me see, i shalllll... ...nvrm i'll think of what i'm gnna do ltr Lol.
okay till then dearest blog.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 12:49 PM.

I am becoming more independent and thats a good sign(for myself), maybe someday i wld try ....(i'm not gnna tell, it shall be my secret Lol)
& i've yet t start ANY revision for this whole freaking holiday, everyday was go out use comp watch teevee slack.self disciplineeeeee, grrr.& going out agn tmr, wth but for th sake of getting tan and some exercise i'll go haha.
Y Mac's hotcake, lovelovelove but not th honey cos too much of that and diabetes when you're older.and now mummy bought me sushiiiii(i shall eat them all and leave nth f sis), yay! & just now there was this girl in th mrt kept staring at my messy hair/fat thighs/fbt/fat face?! She just keep STARING idk whyyyyyy.sigh.
k i aim to ... lets see finish English TYS homework(i've 3sets!!) tday at least.& start deciding what t study f hist, dig out notes, pack room.gosh thats quite alot t do cos i'm gnna go make my card first, repair my dear ipod which is 1yearxxmonth old and its going haywire since a few weeks ago.aiyyoooooooo!
ordered more stuffs, i hope it wont go OOS.please don't let history repeat itself, praying very hard.argh k bye.
Monday, September 1, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 8:44 PM.
TEACHERS' DAY! 4D1'0888888888888888, (:

Our signature pose, D-O-U!
Girls, (:

YiLin & Grace, :D
Tho WEYJANET but KAMAL is koooll. 
Before and after th cutting cake ceremony.
"Eh you help me wipe my face.I'm writing yr testimonial hor, don't try to be funny."
Oh welll, kinda late for th pictures but still...i used to get so addicted to blogging that i love posting lots of photos of random thing but i'm somehow not so into it now so lack of pictures for all posts.aye.
Day out w gracey wacey, i think she's gnna kill me one day due t my whining/complaining of - haha.Oh wellll, it was vivo bugis and town.didn't really bought anything tho i got so in love w this F21 clutch and th price is reasonable cos i've other F21 clutch at home waiting for me to carry them.argh but i think i might be getting it in th end zzz :@
Bought more accessories when i alr have i think over $100worth of accessories at home.I heart Diva mansxzsxz, but they didnt update ): Oh welllll.