Friday, October 31, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 9:58 PM.
Oh i didn't realise my sister birthday was ytd cos she was home after her vb sessions but still, happy belated b'day.
Was really drained out tday. POA 1, 2 & Bio 2. All papers today were manageable, fortunately. POA paper 2 was the very first paper today and it started as early as 8am which i bet most of you are still snoring in bed. Some predicted questions came out but the paper ain't much of a challenge compared to the schl papers we did.
Paper 1 was an ace, finished the supposingly 1hr paper in uh 25minutes and this includes checking the paper for about 3times. The whole class was practically stoning/sleeping about 20 minutes before the paper ends, the teacher seemed abit anxious to collect the papers too. The time dragged on like there's no tmr, i feel so lethargic but can't seem to sleep. Check out the people around me, look outside the class, check the paper repeatedly, look at the clock and finally 11.45am!! Haha, i think i could do relatively well for the papers tho i only started starting ytd evening. Thankfully, i mastered all my weaker topics and it came out so yay.
Bio paper 2 was do-able. I didn't really memorise anything or whatsoever but yah not a tough paper. Oh wellll, so practically came back and slack till now. Gnna tv more later on and sleep till late morn tmr thn start SS. Sigh, i wanted to go to the library but ... nvrm. 3 themes for SS, 2 days. After ss would be freedom, left with Hcl and all the Mcqs yay.
So I was thinking that after SS paper on monday, we can go celebrate and enjoy ourselves a little. But one would be busy with Lit, another with the hope of pia-ing Hcl while the last don't even have time for me dismissing those earlier promises. I hardly spend time with you outside schl or should i say none. You've changed, no longer calling me out for activities like what you used to do. I did my part, asking you out but you're always busy with S, A and J. Job-hunt, i need somebody to go with me but none was there, it was disheartening really.
I valued all of you as my friends, close friends bestfriends girlfreinds whichever you choose to be. And what i ask for is that you'd appreciate them and treat me as one too. Is it that hard or am i just asking too much? Read my p.schl friend's blog, she seemed to be spending every moment of her life with her girlfriends. I yearn and envy knowing that it'd be mission impossible.
Thursday, October 30, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 1:03 PM.
Screwed upside down.
I want to slit my wrist, jump down the building or sallow millions of sleeping pills. Seriously, i've no idea why i keep screwing up my papers. First it was chem, then English and Emaths paper 1 followed by Amaths and history. Now i have to screw up Emaths paper 2, this is shit. I hate myself for screwing up my O's. It meant the end for me, no AC no SA. Even weaker Maths students can do better compared to me. I really wonder how i claim Maths to be my best subject(besides hcl). Damn abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. Where is my primary schl A*, where is my lower sec and Sec3 A1. Where oh where. Sigh left with Bio POA HigherChinese and SS. Thats all, the end of O's. Future determined.
Both POA papers & Bio paper 2 tmr, stupid shit.
Silently i pray otherwise. Goodbye.
Sunday, October 26, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 9:44 PM.
Sometimes idk if i should continue blogging cos my privacy was invaded. I hate it, i really hate it. If i respect you, why can't you do the same? I really wonder. Sigh nvrm.
So ytd was library alone. I swear anon guys are really funny haha. There was this 2 guys who were posing and taking photos of each other in front of me and i almost burst out laughing while a group of 3 guys were talking so loud behind me. They were bitching about some girl blabla and hist O's. So i listen a bit here and there for tips, somehow everybody is betting on TOV LON Hilter & perhaps Stalin. Lol. Saw a few of our schl people too!
Library again today but with grace, i tell you i'm in love with their hot choc ice choc oreo cheesecake and chicken leg. Been eating them for both days yum! Jog with mum in the evening just now, zomg i freaking lost my standard. Mummy has got more speed and stamina than me, throw face haha.
Argh k goodbye, i shall decide whether to continue blogging if my siter don't intrude my privacy. Yes sis, if you're reading this please take note that i respect you and you better do so too. Bye.
Friday, October 24, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 9:30 PM.
Emaths 01, i thought it was quite hard somehow haha. All those predicted quesitons didn't came out gah gah gah. Amaths 02 was shit to the major core, thrwo away dknow how many marks alr. Stupid qn 8, i think and think for 1 hr but i still leave it blank. I know this is stupid but i really didn't know must differientiate the equations. I could do almost all qns except for that and the stupid 9(i) is lshgskguryhsg hard, ): Do until i'm on the verge of crying but tahan tahan until i burst liek a water bag after. Sigh there goes my distinction.
Now you tell me how to study History, Bio & POA within 3 days. Tell me how, tell me why. Sigh sigh sigh. O's O's O's, make my head big big big ):
Thursday, October 23, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 4:57 PM.
[delete] - [/deleted]
Written with ♥ @ 9:18 AM.
Amaths01 was kinda do-able/easy but i don't think i can get a distinction. Contradicting huh? I nvr had confidence in myself somehow, lets just hope everything will go smoothly thn.
Ytd i actually text in chi and its very very hard for me cos my hanyupinyin is screw upside down. So Luan Laoshi texted me(when i'm actually in schl alr), she wnna double check if i'm in the school FAS haha. Obviously no so i went typing 'mei you' and it took me uh 3minutes to type 2 chinese characters, yah la very slow right. On the contrary, FAS kinda kool i think. Budget. & my parents were like asking, "Eh we can apply or not? We earn very little leh, only 2000+/month, how apply. Go ask your teacher." Lollll, yes my family is not rich but i'm not sure if i can even apply for the FAS thingy. But righttt, you see people like - can apply i think i also can la preaseee. I'm very sad Daddy & mummy have very little education and i srsly mean very little so i must work even harder to earn big bucks in the future. Ah-ha i think i shall start saving up instead of spending so much, been spending more than 200bucks on F21/wetseal sprees and others these few weeks. Save save save, and must find a job during the holiday.
Till then.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 9:44 AM.

English paper 01 & 02(ytd)
Sigh i'm still thinking about my english and far i keep screwing up all my papers.Narravtive was okay, kinda shock greed came out but the usual twisting of my essays.I used my prelim time narrative so kinda fine w that.Sit. writing, underwater world is what i suggested.Rings a bell right, underwater world seemed like part of sentosa wow congrats! For god sake heaven sake, i didn't know underwater world is part of sentosa -.- I hope cambridge don't notice this point, preaseeee.Compre was do-able, summary was i've-got-so-much-to-write-but-word-limit-is-argh kind, cancelled out one whole large piece and i finally ended up w 168words.sigh.
k amaths 01 ltr, have yet to study haha.i shall go schl earler to do some revision and lets hope the paper won't be too tough for me.bye.
Monday, October 20, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 7:48 PM.
Chem paper 02.
The paper today was do-able or rather easy however, ironically i lost 15odd marks alr.incomplete sentences blabla, this is complete screw up.i know even if you minus 15-20marks from th 80marks, its still a distinction but yknow bell/balve(?) curve.there's still SPA and paper1, SPA was screwed up earlier on so no point.i do hope i get a B4 or above tho.k bye tmr's english paper till 7pm aye.
Written with ♥ @ 10:55 AM.
Its 10.55am of 20 October, chem paper is at 2.30pm.
I'm no longer feel nervous or anxious, but sad.Just when i need someone(a friend) to be there to meet me before going to schl nobody was there.I scarifice some of my study time to do a little somethings for them but i doubt they're gnna appreciated it anw so i ripped them off.Into little pieces.Maybe i'm too stupid that they've to discriminate me, its all my fault all mine.I've nobody to blame except for myself.k i shall stop crying and go do some chem, i sure hope i can do it.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 10:20 AM.
1. So ytd was official the last day of school for sec4E & 5N.
2. Neglected.Insigninficant.Outcasted.Dejected.
3. I think i'm gnna screw up O's big time cos the rest of my classmates were so freaking prepared.
Saturday, October 11, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 9:30 PM.
Argh i freaking waste one day of my life away.I waited for 3hours, 456 people in th queue for the collection of passport tday.couldn't memorise my hist essay properly at all cos its not conducive, thn i travelled all th way to pasir ris to buangkok to vivo and home.long long journey and super waste time.& spend a bomb at candy empire cos they got buy 1 get 1 free sale for certain sweets/chocs/tibits.sigh and i'm very sad, just when i'm set on getting THAT F21 wallet its OOS -.- sigh.oh well, k shall pia tmr(i think) goodbye.
Thursday, October 9, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 8:36 PM.
I said i was going to start work but i have yet to.gnna start aft 10pm, thats my studying period."Come'on i can do it" is what i've been telling myself but i doubt i can.Peer pressure.How i wish i'm smart, more hardworking, more self-discipline.Sigh but i can't help being so stupid.
Anyway i've been thinking alot, idk why.Recalled those conflicts amg clique that time, but things are fine now.At that point of time things are chaotic and horrible, being backstabbed and all.Friends.I don't need many friends, one or two can be enough as long as they're true.Somehow i've yet to find them.I know i shouldn't doubt my friends but experiences proved otherwise.I know its okay for people to gossip cos i do too(i mean who doesnt), i bet everybody are bound to speak ill of people cos the world is dominated by us, homosapiens.But don't go overboard.
After being thru so much, i've learned my lessons.I realised.Having my own priciples is indeed a good sign cos i'd know how to differentiate what is right and what is wrong and what i should do and what i shouldn't.It also set as a reflection for myself.Its like the feeling after gossiping abt a friend, i'd feel quite bad but sometimes its because some things are not meant to be said.Sigh nvrm.
& I realised that when O's are nearing, people are getting more selfish and self-centred.This is life, this is a human personality i would say.I know that everybody wants to do well, who doesn't? But this ain't th way right? Scheming.
Written with ♥ @ 3:34 PM.
I didn't know my sister was that daring.I thought she was just rebellious and all but she actually ______, its been like 15minutes alr and i'm still in a state of shock zomg.I can't believe it, k goodbye.
11 more days to doomsday.I must search more qns to ask tchers to prove that i've been studying.
Sunday, October 5, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 6:06 PM.
Argh i've been using th comp everyday and till now i've yet to do anything for this whole weekend.So i'm retyping my narrative to resend to Ong and read thru a little of chem till redox.I cant stand chem, so many things to rmb and so complicated sigh.Didn't do any maths this weekend, screwed shit.
Please give me a slap and tell me its only 15more days to O's tyvm.
Saturday, October 4, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 3:06 PM.
Gah i'm so pissed by this irresponsible blogshop owner.She freaking btr refund me my $60 okay $20 belongs to grace so yah she btr btr btr refund me by lets say monday morning, 6am.If i update my bank book on monday morn she still havent refund i think i'm gnna start calling her.tsk.
k on a different tone, O's are nearing yet i've yet to start revising.have planned a timetable but i'm unable to follow it, ineffective mansxzsz. ): gnna go bath and start alr so bye.
Friday, October 3, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 4:50 PM.
Ah k finally done w renewing/making of passport.gnna collect it when its ready another day but th picture is super kuku. ): Oh welllll, and i think my mother owns yewtee area Lol.After walking a few steps and she'll meet somebody she knows and that includes th uncle who sells ice-cream heh.
& MrOng havent reply to my mail w regards to my narrative.sigh and not attending schl tday is badddddd.Everything screwed upside down ): Very sad very very very worried.sigh now i must go find MrOng for th w/s he gave & narrative, luan for hcl ti gang.lets see i bet my ti gang doesn't make sense or wrong concept.aiyah how i know right, my chi like shitsxzsx! ):
k i'm worried sick now, i wish i'm taking EOY not O's ):
sigh my wetseal orders are rebound and now i can't seemed to find any.very sad very very sad, please let me know if you happen to find one.please not spreeslover.lj cos she took 1392875357 long and till now my orders havent arrive when its more than one month tsk.
Thursday, October 2, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 6:00 PM.
18 more days to D-Day! ):
My chem is screwed upside down, no words could express my hatred for chem.srsly, i do not hav th least bit of interest for chem, its like blehblahboo.sigh whatever, chem focus and more aft w Mtwy on tues very sad.
Gnna go type out narrative for guradians and put in portfolio.k i've currently 2 model essays to memorise, it'll be 3 aft MrOng corrected another one via email faster faster reply.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008.
Written with ♥ @ 1:55 PM.
Argh stupid Lj waste my time, i'm a kuku duck.I can't seemed to operate that thing tsk tsk tsk.