Saturday, February 14, 2009.
Written with ♥ @ 5:04 PM.
Fyi: just click on "LiveJournal" and you'll be at my new space.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009.
Written with ♥ @ 10:46 PM.
School sucks to the max tday please. k that excludes the orientation which was quite okay(note that i didn't use the word fun cos its not) so yeah. New class new faces new friends 09A03 5-6boys 20girls. Summary of what i did tday: owens(stupid out-of-shape teddy) fold stars cheers schl songs 2nd trial. Didn't make it to final 15 for damn shit now i'm CCA-less cos the JC system works in a way that CCA choose you and not you choosing yr ideal CCA(FYI direct translation) Damn shit, now i missed my hockey trials and everything argh shit.
I hate life hate PJC hate I was totally drained and depressed tday. Life is indeed a tiring route, perserve or give up? k bye.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009.
Written with ♥ @ 8:38 PM.
Life's been busy with schl and stuffs. Spending hell loads on food, i swear i spend like around $8-$15 a day solely on food. Macs, delifrance, jack's place, cafe, canteen. Well, made it to 2nd trial of so yay. Unfortunately my muscles are still aching from ytd PE and i've no idea how to crawl my way to the 2nd trial tmr argh. PE lessons ytd was shitty shit but at least better than others who did more tiring and tidious runs compared to us, ours was just plain running 3.2km. After like so many months of rest, the sudden vigorious exercise kills!
On a different note, classes were out tday. Like finally after one week plus of waiting, same class as gracey zomg another 2 years!! Actual orientation starts tmr, hope the class will be fun 09A03! So we were asked to wear our uniform on the 16th(nxt mon), so we were like getting all excited and like yay finally can wear new uni kind of thing but our hopes were smashed! I swear its damn freaking irritating when on the first day of sales for schl uni, we couldn't get any sizes. After cutting the super duper longgggg queue, we still have to wait for like 1 hr plus just to get our SKIRTS! Plus when its our turn, the smallest available size for the schl skirt is L and the smallest available size for the schl blouse for female is 16. Apparently, 16 is the biggest size but yet the smallest available size. GREATTTTT manszsx, 1 hour of squeezing and queuing just for 2 L size skirt. So no uniform till mid-march.
Schl polo tee, schl pe tee, house tee and tie plus collar pin & GC. Great so many things to buy, my bank is like dying please. Yes am paying everything w my salary argh. Retarded why so many things and now i've to alter those damn skirts and wait for 1 month plus for the blouses?!?! Freaking pissed off D<
k hope tmr orientation will be fun bye.
Sunday, February 8, 2009.
Written with ♥ @ 5:07 PM.
Random Thoughts:
1. I miss those days. Ctss and clique, i don't feel like moving on. As for now, everybody's culture is so different: the way we talk the way we think the way we express ourselves the way we carry ourselves. Its like a really major change in life. Nostalgic.
2. Need to lose weight/fats/celluite whatever. Hopefully helps. Speaking of which, cross my fingers that i made it into round2 and eventually the team. I love running(not). Pe of 5km tmr, zomgggg.
3. Need to freaking remind myself to be more adamant to read the newspaper for GP & CSE. I always give up after the first page. A's is like freaking me out already, AAB A for business in NUS.
Saturday, February 7, 2009.
Written with ♥ @ 7:31 PM.
Blew around/about/over $300 today. RC first then queensway, say hi to new wallet new bag new bras new fbt new MissSelfridge top and NEW CONTACTS! Been wearing my monthly contacts for like 3 months already, finally gotten a new one so yay. Initial plan was to head over to vivo(F21!) and hajilane aft RC but was too tired so i gave them a miss. Regretting badly now, have not step into F21 for like idk how many weeks/mths alr!! ):
Love RI and TS to the max but sigh i wish imma rich kid. So ended up leaving empty handed gahgahgah. k shall perhaps head down some day next week or sth before actual lessons starts! Oh yah, the stupid NTUC(at yewtee) closed down for some renovation thingy and i've to resort to getting my pads at Guardian. It kinda cost more oh whatever.
& sometimes, i really don't feel like attending school. Should i transfer out to poly? Should i? SHOULD i? SHOULD I?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009.
Written with ♥ @ 9:14 PM.
[Updated post as of 6 Feb, Fri]
Mum is sick really sick, fever of 39.7. Dad just send my mum to the hospital get well soon and i hope its nth serious! Oh a gentle note, touch rugby was kind of fun. 100m sprint, zomg my speed is like still there damn happy. I think i'd most prolly get shortlisted so yay perhaps not going for hockey trial on monday. Sigh just text the girls but they've yet to reply bet they having their campfire or sth ): Am hoping to see them tmr but oh wellllll i highly doubt we'll meet anytime soon!
H1 chem is killing me already. New periodic table w all the stupid decimal, percentage abundance, avogardo constant, molecules, ions, mole concepts. ZOMG LIKE I FORGET EVERYTHING ALR PLEASE. Oh no shit to the major core. & the guy who kept staring at yt that day is in the same chem class as me, he's a retain-ner. Saw the list, there's like near to 40-50 people retaining from last yr batch!! Okay shift the limelight back to studies, CSE is kind of like history can be boring can be fun. P/w, gnna complete everything by J1 but luckily no more chi so more effort can be spend at pw. & this means 5 papers for A's next year wow so cool!
Am damn lethargic though school has yet to start officially! Sometimes i can be damn high yet at the very next moment i don't feel like talking and mixing around. Oh well and i've yet to get numbers/msn from people in my OG, hopefully we'll bump into each other tmr. Mass lectures starting tmr, wierd timetables a/c to our subject combi. & at times, i feel like changing to sci stream(by changing my chem to a h2 and cse to a h1) but since my sciences are horrible i shall dismiss the thought.
CCA openhouse tday. Idk what CCA to join, canoeing netball touchrugby hockey?!?! Sigh idk idk need to go for trials aft schl on fri anw but so many signed up for it and i'm rusty at sports alr. Wellsxzxszxz. More at lj else i'll end up w long wordy post so k bye.
I don't need a loud hailer plus i'm not desperate. Its getting on my nerves!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009.
Written with ♥ @ 10:43 PM.

Orientation these 2 days were so far so good. Ytd i'd to see the HOD/VP for subject combi problems due to ENGLISH WTH. Decided on h2 Maths Econs CSE(China Studies in English)-okay this sounds a bit zomg right haha and h1 chem in the end(MEZC). Well anw the HOD was surprised that i actually took PureChem&PureBio, HCL and AMaths. She's awed by my subject combi in sec schl and she's like further amazed by A1 in expresschi and B3 in hcl.
So anw i'm like super friendly cos i went, "Eh hello hi hi good morning~ can i sit?" I sounded as if i'm talking to my best friend Haha. Okay so basically the problem lies with not meeting the pre-requisite for Econs(at least B4 in English) k whatever.
HOD(of idk what subject/department): "Since you don't meet the pre-requisite for Econs and as what you've seen, its a must for all arts student to take Econs so why not change to science stream since you take PureSciences?"
Me: "Erm but my sciences are cmi. I always fail in schl tests and exams.." and i blabber on and on.
HOD: "Oh! Erm okay then can i know how do you usually fare in school for English?" Was about to answer when she added on, "Cos you speak in rather fluent English!" (ZOMG IN MY HEART I WAS LIKE YES YES YES MY ANGMOH NOT BAD WAN KAXSXSXZ! DAMN HAPPY)
Me: "Uh above average or average like that, sometimes A1 B3 or B4. If suay or paper very hard then C5 HAHA! Around there lah. But grammar very lousy. (Inserts story of D-, s.i.n.g.l.e is not equals to s.i.n.g.e.l.) Erm so can you like please let me take Econs i'm prepared to work very very very hard. Really!" (Gives very serious face)
Okay so settle w the Econs thingy but since i'm already there in the GO, i decided to seek advice for my other subjects. Suggestions are: "H2 CL? Your chinese very good what!" "H2 History? A1 for combined humans. Can just continue on!" "Change to sci stream since you take pure bio then can take h2 bio! Yknow only special people can take H2 bio in PJC!" ARGH so my replies to her advices were just, "I don't like the subject just happen to take/do well." Yeah damn problematic.
HOD: "AIYOH YOU AH. Then what you want?"
Me: "Erm h2 geography can? But right i don't take geo in sec schl and my schl don't offer pure geo or whatsoever. So will i like lose out to others?"
HOD: "Generally yes you'll lose out whats more its h2 so suggestion is CSE! Go to the introductory lecture to find out more then get back to me again?"
Me: "Okay set. & i think i'm inside for very long already i go out call others come in k, bye!"
HAHA damn retarded so yeah. Have yet to go for all introductory lectures as there're more tmr so yeah yeah yeah, zomg CSE zomg h2 zomg wts so wierd zomg. Well anw thats for the subject combi part. & thanks to that i miss out all the OG bonding sessions! ):
On a different note, met majority of my primary schl friends in pjc like zomg. Yunhui, kunyun, kunda, jefferson, xianyao, yaozu, celine, keith not forgetting chubby and myself! So yeah. Anw OG group was like all shy at first yet i'm like talking non-stop please(no self-control haha) but righttttt i cannot stand people from _____ not that they're dominating the schl but they're just damn freaking anti-social. Eh make new friends lah stop hanging about your stupid clique and open your mouths and socialise can or not. I swear its damn irritating with these people around but thank god there's not a single soul of them in my OG!
Argh i'm too lazy to elaborate much but there are cheers and games and stuffs. OGLs are really funny and nice and friendly and it kind of reminds me how high i used to be when i orientate the sec1s! Kind of drain out halfway so i'm in like i-don't-want-to-cheer-anymore-need-my-sleep mood. & my one of my OGLs told wc that i am very shy haha. Zomg everybody knows i'm not HAHA! Oh anw there are tons of talks which made us freeze like shit in the hall. Oh well orientation is gnna last like for 2 weeks thats freaking long i know but it'll be fun i suppose!
Oh well am quite okay with Pioneer now HAHA. Academic wise, majority there did much more worse than me but there're single pointers(raw!) there too bcos of the short distances btwn their houses and the schl ARGH FEEL LIKE STRANGLING THEM!! Hmm as for now, i'm fine with making it to CJC or just remaining in PJC :D Okay anw I was too bored tday that i went to count how many people will there be in the Arts stream. 112 out of 500 girls and 30 out of 300 guys in arts stream i was like wth why so little, i count till i'm damn sad. Oh welllllllzsxzx.
& I'm gnna spend like a bomb on schl stuffs. Lecture/tutorial's notes, GC(freaking $176 which is promotional price alr!!), Schl Uni, Schl Polo, House tee, Schl Tie, Str.cut FBT for PE, new sports shoes, contacts, new schl bag and lots of other random stuffs. AND seriously there's like a lot of freedom in PJC cos you need not wear your uniform unless its a mon/thurs. So cool right other days can just wear schl polo tee! Oh but PJC emphasizes alot on punctuality that they've wierd detention timings. Plus no curve-cut transulcent(ndf) Fbt so we were all like df black ones are curve, ndf black oens are str. then everything cannot don't wear lah.
ZOMG HOW COME I TYPE SO LONG ZOMG DOUBT ANYBODY WILL UNDERSTAND WHAT SHIT I'M TALKING ABOUT OR EVEN BOTHER READING HAHA. Oh well need to go read (ytd)newspaper and read through differientation for thurs mass lecture sigh. & WHAT CCA TO JOIN!! ):
Note to self: Flabby arms plus tummy tummy, better stop eating so much ah. Secretly fat under the ginormous and oversized uniform!

We said, "HI/HIGH" or sth along the line. Its a really bad choice mansxzsx. Look at all our faces HAHA.

OG36! Oh yah i still don't have any of their numbers or msn yet zomg! [/edit]
Sunday, February 1, 2009.
Written with ♥ @ 12:34 PM.

Okay i chance upon this somewhere and its damn disgusting.
Okay school tmr, oh man pioneer. Zomg the thought of myself studying in pioneer is a nightmare. Not that i've anything against pioneer but i really hope to be in Catholic(yes principal of CJC please look here). Desperately want to get in Catholic but would most prolly NOT GET IN. Asked for criteria the school will look at that day and the teacher was like, "Erm in all areas but yeah academic wise are important." Okay get the drift, means i cmi sigh!
& People are asking why i skip JJC in my choices of juniorcollege. Its as simple as because JJC don't have the subject combi i want so yeah fullstop. Oh well mixed mixed feelings. & 2Feb=school=byebye atm card ): SO am gnna transfer all my money by confirming everything i see online by tday evening hoho. Cross my fingers that all packages will reach me safely by the end of next week, have like idk how many lost mails to date tsk.
To sum up, schl tmr, am not at all excited, hope it'll be fun though(Group36 acc to WC). Pray super hard that i'll receive a call from CJC soon, cross fingers plus toes. No more shopping trips, study study study, A's next year, save up for Prom next year HAHA WTH. Everything that happen last year will happen again next year. Zomg what the shit am i blabbling about.
If you're 17 this year..
In 1 year time, you'll be taking your A's and having your prom.
In 3 years' time, you'll be telling people that you're 20 years old(zomg so old!)
In 5 years' time, you'll be working and contributing to the society.
In 6 years' time, its time for you to start saving up for your marriage. (No more branded bags, clothes blabla! Save up for rainy days!!)
In 10 years' time, you'll be married and inviting Ruby to your wedding(yay so excited!)
In 11 years' time, you'll have an apartment of your own and get pregnant(zomg what the shit)
In 12 years' time, you'll be a mother.
In 13 years' time, you'll be 30 years old(argh please so old!!)
In 38 years' time, you'll be a AHMA( :O ), a very cool one lah kay.
In 50 years' time, you'll be old and feeble.
In 70 years' time, you'll be getting ready for your trip to yknow-where.
ZOMG SO SCARY RIGHT! I think i'm crazy but i've been repeating this to GraceLim for the past few days haha. Okay till then bye have fun at schl tmr, :D